
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hannah's First Day of School

Yes, it was a big day at the Warren house.  Today was Hannah's first day of preschool.  Apart from a couple of months when she was first born and I was still working, Hannah's childcare has been limited to some stay-alone play dates, and a few random church nursery visits.  So the prospect of her being in someone else's care is a huge adjustment for pretty much all the members of our household.

She was so excited this morning, she was literally jumping. 

Hannah was delighted with this new backpack.  Her favorite part?  It has a little detachable purse that dangles on the side.  Pretty neato!

Of course, Lydia got in on the action, too.

As a side note, Jonathan painted our front door on Saturday.  After months of saying we were going to paint the door red, I saw a chartreuse door on Pinterest Saturday morning.  We both knew immediately that this was the color for us, and in less than 12 hours, the project was done.

 Ahhh...bittersweet to have my little girl growing older.  And what did Mama and sister do with their free morning?  Lydia played with Hannah's toys while I fussed with the morning's photo shoot.  (And not a single tear was shed.)