
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Overachiever or Just Cheap?

Last night I was looking at some sewing books, just to see what I could see. I found a pattern for some very cute felt animals that were intended to be egg cozies, but with a little imagination and some pink hearts, could be lovely valentines for Hannah's little friends. Or maybe some tiny stuffed corduroy bears, also with pink hearts, would do the trick nicely. What a fun project, I thought.

So I told Jonathan about my plans to whip up a dozen tiny animals, and did he think the corduroy bears or the felt mice were cuter?

"Are you seriously going to make those for everybody? Isn't that a little much?"

Hmmm... Is that a little much? Here's why I don't think so (and I gave Jonathan a 30 minute rationale until he told me to quit talking and just write about it):

1. In the world of craft blogs making a dozen tiny animals for a cute project, and posting said animals for all 8 of my devoted readers to see, seems like a perfectly normal thing to do.

2. Since the local craft store was out of felt this morning, I eliminated the mice. On the other hand, I have at least three yards of brown corduroy I inherited from my grandmother (which means it is at least as old as I am) just begging to be made into tiny teddy bears.

3. And the most compelling reason last: because I already have the materials on hand, and "real" valentines cost money, the bears cost less than traditional paper valentines - even the most basic, generic kind. The only cost is a little of my time.

So the question is, if I show up to the Valentine's Day party next week with a dozen hand made tiny corduroy bears complete with tiny pink hearts, do the other moms think, "Gee, Siobhan, if you have so much time on your hands, why don't you just offer to watch my kids while I take a nap." Or do they have any idea that the real reason I come bearing bears is because in spite of the modest amount of time I spent at the sewing machine - which I enjoy, by the way - I chose the bears because I'm cheap?


  1. Well... cheap is in the eye of the beholder. Since if you would have bought the fabric ... you would have spent way more than a box of paper valentines. So I think you will just appear as craft and thoughtful!... and perhaps like you have too much time on your hands. :)

  2. Sewing with vintage fabric is one of my favorite things of all time. So, you score extra points in my book for doing that instead of buying other fabric at the store. I have to admit that although I've sewn lots of clothing in my lifetime, I'm still indimidated by three-dimensional projects like stuffed bears. I think they're fabulous! Watch out though. If you underestimate the size and scope of your blog audience, and we all read this expecting a free bear...???

  3. I think it is wonderful and cheap is sometimes the best gifts we ever receive. You go girl.

  4. This reminds me of when I had young ones in the house. So many projects, so many good memories :)
