
Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Big Oops

I have two oopses to report.

First, literally seconds before the first party guests rang the doorbell for Hannah's birthday party (and I mean, they were in the driveway), I was trying to get down some lemonade mix from the top shelf of the pantry, and instead dumped a container of oatmeal everywhere. Jonathan couldn't believe that I was taking pictures of it, but I'm kind of glad I did, aren't you? Thanks to some really fast vacuuming, no one was wiser...until now!

The second oops is, I uploaded all these birthday party pictures minutes before we left for the airport on our way to visit grandparents in Arizona. The idea was that I'd get the pictures done, and write the posts from my mom's computer. Our ride to the airport was in the driveway, while I was desperately working at the computer. Do you see a theme here?

Turns out, about half of the pictures didn't upload. So I've shown you all of the party that I can...until we get home, that is. Thanks for reliving Hannah's Sleeping Beauty birthday party with me, and hang in there for a few days. I promise more when we got home. (It's worth the wait to see the look on Hannah's face when she saw her "Aurora Cake.") In the meantime, I'll show you some of the fun we've been having on our vacation.

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