
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Crafter's Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a present was finished
Not even my blouse.

The stockings were hung
By the fire with care
Hoping that someday
All the names would be there.

And even more hopeful,
That on Christmas morn
Some presents would fill them
Or some ornaments adorn.

The children were sleeping
Quiet unaware
That while they lay dreaming
Mama was in despair.

For you see, good old Mama
(a.k.a. Old Saint Nick)
Was locked in her sewing room…
And herself she could kick

Because piles of presents
Planned with such care
For a fun, homemade Christmas
Lay everywhere.

A scarf to be knitted
Is not long enough
And some scrappy stuffed animals
Still need to be stuffed.

A lap quilt for Grandma
Is still only a top
And that sweater for Daddy
Should have come from a shop.

And a present so lovely
On mom’s brand-new machine
(That she can’t quite use yet)
Is still only a dream.

“I’m keeping it simple,”
Mom had announced,
With a vow that this Christmas
The stress she’d renounce.

“But that’s how Christmas
Should be,” Mama sighed.
“I want everyone to have
A hand-made surprise.”

Daylight’s in four hours.
It can’t all get done!
Good thing that my presents
Aren’t the only ones.

But amid all the panic
And last minute sewing
I can take a deep breath because
There’s one thing I’m knowing:

Even though my gift list’s
Ambitious without reason
I remember that presents
Aren’t the point of this season.

For this day that is dawning,
This new Christmas morn,
Is to celebrate Jesus
The Messiah is born.

1 comment:

  1. Siobhan, this poem is precious ! How wonderful that you shared it ! Merry Christmas and get some sleep(if possible) after Christmas ! Lucy
