
Monday, October 17, 2011

Sleeping Beauty (Birthday Party) Awakes!

Well, I hope you haven't been holding your breath waiting to see the rest of the pictures from Hannah's third birthday party. They're worth waiting for, but it's been awhile, hasn't it? So, here they are, in all their glory.

This is Hannah's look of absolute joy and excitement: mouth open in the world's biggest smile! She wanted an "Aurora Cake," and she got her birthday wish! (Even though Hannah helped bake the cake layers and add some of the icing, this was the first time she saw the finished product.) In fact, she was so excited that she got up and ran around the yard for awhile. Finally, we got her settled down enough to sing "Happy Birthday."

And to blow out the candles. (By the way, don't you want to know what Ella's thinking? Look at that face!)

After opening presents...

...and some boy time, because all that princess stuff was getting a little too girly for some of the guests...

...there was a lot of running around in the grass...

...and playing in the pink castle.

We had so much fun with this party, and I hope you had fun seeing the pictures of it.

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